报告 and Confidentiality

十大网络彩票平台大全鼓励所有社区成员报告任何违反大学第九条政策的事件. 所有性骚扰举报均会尽快处理,使大学能作出有效回应. The University recognizes, 然而, that not every person will choose to make a formal report with the University. When consulting campus resources, 社区成员应该意识到保密性和强制性报告,以便做出明智的选择.

在校园, some resources can offer confidentiality, 分享选择和建议,但没有义务告诉任何人,除非投诉人希望他们这样做. 报告性骚扰事件明确需要其他资源, 性侵犯, 跟踪, dating violence, or domestic violence to the 第九条 Coordinator.

Notice/Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, and/or Retaliation

Notice or complaints of discrimination, 骚扰, and/or retaliation may be made using any of the following options:

  1. File a complaint with, or give verbal notice to, the 第九条 Coordinator, Deputy 第九条 Coordinator, or Officials with Authority. 该等报告可在任何时间(包括非营业时间)通过电话号码或电子邮件地址进行, or 通过邮件 to the office address, listed for the 第九条 Coordinator or any other official listed.
  2. Report online, using the reporting form posted online at Holy Family's Online Incident 报告 & Tracking website

Anonymous reports are accepted but can give rise to a need to investigate. The University tries to provide supportive measures to all Complainants, which is impossible with an anonymous report. Because reporting carries no obligation to initiate a formal response, 大学尊重投诉人的要求,除非对健康和/或安全构成重大威胁,否则不予受理, 投诉人在很大程度上可以控制自己,不应担心隐私的丧失,因为他们可以通过举报让大学讨论和/或提供支持措施.

Formal Complaint

正式投诉是指由投诉人提交或签署的文件,或由第九条协调员签署的文件,指控被投诉人违反政策,并要求大学调查该指控。. A complaint may be filed with the 第九条 Coordinator in person, 通过邮件, or by electronic mail, by using the contact information in the section titled “Contact Information”, or as described in this section. As used in this paragraph, “投诉人提交的文件”指的是文件或电子提交(例如通过电子邮件或在 Holy Family's Online Incident 报告 & Tracking website) that contains the Complainant’s physical or digital signature, 或以其他方式表明投诉人是提出投诉的人, and requests that the University investigate the allegations.

If notice is submitted in a form that does not meet this standard, 第九条协调员将与投诉人联系,以确保其正确提交.

Confidential Resources

18岁或以上人士如未准备好根据本政策提出举报或投诉, the University provides confidential professional and pastoral counseling. 投诉人无论是否决定正式举报,均可利用这些资源以保密的方式向有关人士讲述不当性行为事件, or to participate in the University complaint resolution process. 使用这些资源不会引发大学或执法部门的调查.

Confidential professional and pastoral counselors can:

  • Explain the reporting and resolution process.
  • 在大学或刑事程序正在进行和/或未决期间提供支持.
  • 解释从大学和校外资源获得额外支持的选择.
  • Arrange for medical care and accompany complainants, or arrange for someone to accompany complainants, to seek such care.


Professional counselors and confidential resources:

Counseling Services
费城 Main Campus
Campus Center Rooms 202, 203 & 204

A Pastoral Counselor is an employee of an institution, who is associated with a religious order or denomination, 被宗教团体或教派认可的提供秘密咨询的人, 谁在这个范围内作为牧师顾问发挥作用.

Director of Campus Ministry 
费城 Main Campus
Campus Center, Room 224

Resources Who Can Afford Partial Confidentiality

投诉人可以向在校园健康服务中心工作或做志愿者的个人寻求帮助和支持. 这些人必须向第九条协调员报告发生的事件, 他们不需要向大学透露任何有关事件的个人身份信息.


健康 Services
Stevenson Lane Residence Hall Suite 113

报告 to Responsible Employees

The University defines a responsible employee to include supervisors, 官员, 以及负责学生和校园活动的员工,包括, but not limited to: academics, student residences, 体育运动, 纪律, 校园生活, and campus safety.

当投诉人向负责的员工讲述性暴力事件时, 投诉人有权要求十大网络彩票平台大全立即采取适当措施调查所发生的事情,并迅速公平地解决问题.

负责任的员工必须向第九条协调员报告投诉人分享的有关性暴力指控的所有相关细节. To the extent possible, 报告给负责的员工的信息将只与负责处理大学对报告的回应的人员共享.

报告 to Law Enforcement

投诉人有绝对权利决定是否发生性暴力事件, intimate partner violence, or 跟踪 is reported to Law Enforcement. If the complainant decides to report the incident to law enforcement, the University, through Public Safety, is committing to assisting the complainant.

Reports to a Non-Confidential Resource – Request for Confidentiality



在这种情况下, 第九条协调员将权衡请求与大学提供安全的义务, non-discriminatory environment for all students, including the Complainant.

大学在处理投诉时,会充分考虑当事人的保密要求. 然而, if occurrences pose a general threat to the University community, Holy Family will take affirmative steps to notify students, 教师, and staff of the potential danger.

If you are concerned about confidentiality, discuss this issue first with the University's confidential counselors, who will be able to explain various options you may take, and the implications for each option, and direct you to other on- or off-campus resources as appropriate.